While interning with Leatherman in Portland OR, I took night classes at the Portland Fashion Institute. I loved it so much that I returned for a full semester. This is an overview of what I learned.

I love soft goods and want to learn as much as possible about this industry.


I was already quite comfertable creating simple techpacks for my own works but I had no idea how detailed and complex they could get. One of the classes I took was focussed on creating technical drawing and techpacks.


At PFI I took four patterning classes. The first two went over how to take body measurements, draft slopers, and create simple garments from our slopers. Pattern 3 went into more depth on how to draft patterns and create more complex garments. Pattern 4 had us create slopers for knit fabrics and draft complex knit garments.


I took draping for a number of reasons. I wanted to better understand how the patterns I was drafting translated onto the body. Plus I have always loved watching people drape flowy dresses and wanted to try it for myself. I learned SO MUCH about why drafted shapes fit on body and how to fit garments to a specific person. This was the most surprising of my classes.


Mountain Bike Hip Pack


Snow Sports